National Research Office

  • dissemination of ministerial funding and co-financing programmes
  • study and analysis of the administrative and financial guidelines of national and regional programmes
  • administrative support for ministerial financing and co-financing projects (proposal, budget, audit)
  • administrative support for national and regional research projects (proposal, budget, audit)
  • support activities for the management of funded projects
  • internal audit activities of national and regional projects
  • statistic reports on national research trends and the level of funding
  • University Repository
  • support for the University’s monitoring, evaluation and research development activities
  • procedures relating to the accreditation and activation of PhD courses;
  • administrative management of PhD courses
  • assistance and support in the management of procedures relating to research grants (assegni di ricerca)

Information details

AddressVia Ostiense, 133 00154 Roma
Person in chargeLink identifier #identifier__182571-2Aldo Rocchegiani
StaffLink identifier #identifier__120289-3Link identifier #identifier__26223-4Ludovica Maria Marchetto
Link identifier #identifier__35792-1Martina Nardiello
Link identifier #identifier__142435-2Paola Rosati


Informazioni di sistema 23 September 2022